Meet the Slavs is a place where you can find information on Slavic people, culture, mythology, and more. We are proud to being online since 2013. With almost 10 years of experience writing on topics related to Slavs, we have become a trusted source of information for those interested in Slavic people.
Our writers are committed to deep research, writing content based on facts, and respecting the industry standards of objectivity and transparency.
Experienced editors fact-check all our articles. We source our information from primary sources wherever possible, and we thoroughly reference our articles. We want our articles to represent academic rigor through their content and yet at the same time be easy to read thanks to our distinctive style.
We add links to content to help you navigate the relevant information throughout our site that may assist you further your knowledge about your topic of interest.
We link to external web pages if they relate to a source used to create our content or we believe they provide additional information that may be useful to you, our reader. We tend to choose peer-reviewed sources such as academic journals, reputable organizations and institutions, news outlets, and other trustworthy entities.
Quality Standards
All our articles go through a rigorous publishing process involving many people to ensure that our content is accurate, easy to read, helpful, and reflective of our principles and editorial guidelines.
Our experienced editors review and approve all articles independently before publishing.
We are updating our content regularly. All of our articles are corrected on short notice if we find factual inaccuracies or mistakes of any kind. We want our articles to follow the latest trends, both content vice and stylistically.
If you see something that you think is not correct or have a suggestion on what can be improved, please let us know by sending an email to [email protected]
Meet the Slavs has zero-tolerance for plagiarism.
Our editors use the latest software for detecting plagiarism. In addition, we follow the standard academic rules when using quoted text, which means we always use accurate citations that can easily be checked.
We are dedicated to creating and working with the very best writers in this industry. We train our writers to write original content from day one from start to finish with each new article. All of our writers have supervision and are encouraged to be creative and original.
If, by any chance, we detect plagiarism in an article, the writer in question stops working for us, and we immediately check all of his/her’s past work. Our writers are well aware of this rule because we emphasize this throughout their engagement with us.
For more information about Meet the Slavs, visit our about us page.