Category - Culture

Top Russian books

Russian literature has a rich and fascinating history, with many of the world’s greatest literary works coming from Russian authors.  From the classic novels of Leo Tolstoy and Fyodor Dostoevsky to the contemporary works of Russian...

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Best Polish Books

Polish literature is a rich and diverse body of work that has captivated readers for centuries. From the epic poems of the Middle Ages to the groundbreaking novels of the 20th century, Polish writers have consistently pushed the boundaries of...

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Thank you in Polish

Here are both formal and informal ways of saying thank you in Polish. Thank You in Polish In Polish, the most common way to say thank you is “dziękuję” (jen-koo-yeh), which can be used in a variety of situations, from expressing...

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Thank you Russian

There are a few different ways you can say thank you in Russian. It depends on context and whether you want to say it in an informal way, to a friend for example, or in a formal way to someone you are meeting for the first time. Thank You in Russian...

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Cyrillic script

The Cyrillic script is a writing system used by many languages in Eastern Europe and Asia, including Russian, Ukrainian, and Bulgarian. It is named after the Byzantine missionaries St. Cyril and St. Methodius, who created the first Slavic alphabet...

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Festival people dancing

Prague is a city full of culture and history, but it is also a place to enjoy festivities. Every month holds something special for visitors to Prague. Whether you are a foodie or a music lover, wine taster or beer chugger, Prague has something for...

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Bulgaria national women's dress

Clothing has been and still is an important part of any culture. It can tell us a lot about history and the way people used to live.  From the materials they used to the special techniques they used to make ornaments, all of that can tell us a...

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The farewell of the Tsar to his troops

As one of the most famous Russian contemporary artists, Pavel Ruzhenko definitely deserves his own article. And guess what? He got one (It’s this article if you didn’t get it). Pavel Ryzhenko was an artist that perfectly combined composition with...

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Russia national day

There are nine national holidays in Russia. If they happen to be on non-business days, Russians celebrate them before or after the actual date (i.e. on a business day). Let’s take a look at the 9 major national holidays that are celebrated in...

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Gallery after gallery, art exhibition after art exhibition, a lot of popular paintings and people who shape the Russian culture of today. These are the things this article is going to focus on.  We are going to talk about some of the most...

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Serbian gusle

Have you ever heard about gusle? Do you know anything about it? Do you want to know anything at all about it?  If your answer is yes, then you are in the right place. If your answer is no, and you’ve ended up on this article by chance, you...

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